Thursday, May 20, 2010

Blog #6

A weather map of the U.S.; We had to learn the states when we did weather maps
1. My favorite Geology topic we did this year was volcanoes because I thought that there was only one type of volcano. So, when I learned that there are three, composite, shield and cinder, it was very intriguing to learn a whole new slew of things about the three types of volcanoes.

2.My favorite topic that we did in Meteorology was U.S. Geography. I love geography, so much so that I italicised it! It built my confidence up in Science, especially after that 92 second semester. It was exactly what I needed.

3. My favorite topic in Astronomy was learning about the planets and the stars. I thought that there were other stars in our galaxy and that the Sun is just this mammoth of a star. But I was wrong! It actually is the only star in our galaxy.

4. I think I earned an A on the final exam because I studied a lot last night. I had assumed that the final exam was just like the pre-test, so I only studied the Pre-test and the crossword puzzles. I wish I studied p,s, and surface waves and projection maps, but I totally forgot.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Blog #4

1. What made the Big Bang "bang" was that there was so much energy in one location that it exploded. Have you ever seen a cartoon where a giant air balloon blows up and flies everywhere because there was to gas in the actual balloon? It is almost the same idea.

2. I would want to think that if I was sucked into a black hole that I would spin down a tunnel and just drop in the middle of another planet with life similar to humans, if not the actual species. But, I think that if I touched a black hole that it would instantaneously compact me down to the size of an atom. So, I think I am going to stay away from black holes for the time being.

3. i have always wanted to travel in time so when I learned that Worm holes could possibly do that, I was flabbergasted. If I were to go into a worm hole, I could only trael into the future, so I would probably go to 3000 to see if 1. we were still alive a s a race, and 2. if Futurama was actually accurate. I would travel to New York City or New New York City, (what ever they would call it by then) and have the best time of my life, eating new kinds of delicious foods and maybe bowling on clouds or something fun like that.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Blog Post #3

1. Radial Velocity, Astrometry, Transit method, optical detection.

2. I think astrometry is the best because it is very precise.

3. It is the are in space where a planet isn't too cold or too hot.

4. I think they would exactly like us, just they are our evil twin. There of course would be good people too, because the people on Earth who are evil would be good on Gilese 581c. There would be no government and society because everything would be chaotic. I think that, just like Earth, some people will be smart and some people won't be. I think it would be the parallel to Earth, so that is why intellect will differ.

5. I think there is the possibility of life, as long as a planet meets two certain requirments.Those requirements are that it is never or rarley too hot or too cold, and that there is water or something that can sustain life. This is very rare of course. I think that there is life out there, but it is not extremley likely.That is what I think aboutlife out there.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Blog #2

2 Carbon Dioxide.
3. I want to live on Mercury for many reasons. The biggest reason is that there is a lot of helium there and I like the way my voice sounds on helium. It would probably kill a lot of brain cells but that's one of the only set backs. Well, another bigone is that is gets extremely hot in the day time and extremely cold at night. So, it would probably be very hard to live there, but it's worth trying.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Blog Post #1


Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. It is the fifth planet from the sun and is known for having a huge red hole that is 2 and a half times the size of Earth. It is a high pressure zone, so there are anticyclones there. It is the first of the Jovian planets which are also known as the "Gas Giants,". Although Jupiter is known for its giant red spot, it also has rings.


The Sun is the only star in our solar system. We think it's the biggest star in the universe, but it's not. It only looks bigger because it is closer to us than all the other stars. It is closet to Mercury and furthest from Neptune of all of our planets. Without the Sun there is no way we can survive.


Mars is the fourth planet in our soar system and falls behind Earth in Volume. It is also the closest planet to Earth so we can see it relatively well.Only the Moon is more
"brilliant then Mars.When we talk about "Martians" we are talking about possible life from there. We have never been to Mars, but have sent robots there. President Obama has also expressed intrest in sending astronauts there eventually.

Black Hole

A black hole is simply a hole in the universe that drags everything that touches it in . Some people have speculated that if we would touch it that we would be dragged into another universe. Others think you would just die a really quick and painful death. I, personally, don't want to check it out for myself; I am great here on Earth.


Pluto used to be considered a Planet but as of 2006, it was down-graded to a dwarf planet. There were many things that compelled scientists to change Pluto's categorization. Some of them include that Pluto is extremley small, is partially made of ice, and that it's most abundant element isn't Hydrogen like the other Jovian planets; it is Nitrogen. I wish Pluto could be a Planet again, but then we would have to include all of the other dwarf planets that meet what Pluto meets.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Blog 6

1. My favorite blog that I did was Blog #5 because it was fun to make a wordle.
2.My favorite thing to learn about was when we learnedabout the different types of clouds.
3. I think I deserve a 100 because I did all of the blogs correctly. 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

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Friday, April 9, 2010

Blog Post #4

1. We are being effected now mostly by Oak tree pollen.

2. Dry windy weather is needed for the perfect storm of pollen

3. Liliaceae Pollen is the coolest looking one to me because it looks like shell macaroni. Mmm, macaroni! It comes from oriental lillies. It is from the Liliaceae family.The preservation of this is moderate. If you look at the above picture, it looks sponge-like with indentations throughout.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Blog Post #3

1.Solids, liquids, gases, plasmas, and Bose-Einstein condensates.

2.Higher energy is needed to turn a gas into a plasma.

3. Kelivin= 0 Farenheit=-459.67 Celsius=-273.15

4. 3 degrees

5. Plasm- It looks very bright, it smells like what ever is underneath it, and it feels very hot. Bose-Einstein condensates are very cold and if we were able to see it, it would look like a blob.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Blog Post #2

1.They plan to use rainwater collections, geothermal A/C, and solar photovoltaic systems.
2. Geothermal A/C uses the Earth's heat to heat and cool the school.
3. I chose climate change.
4. It is causing the air and water to get warmer, which makes icebergs melt, creating higher water levels.
5. Climate change is a huge problem in our world. It is causing animals to loose their homes and even die. Many animals, like polar bears, are becoming extinct! We need to do something! Not only should we cap omissions made by factories, but we should limit the amount of travel we make by motor vehicle. Instead of flying to a buisness meeting in California, have a web confrence. Instead of driving your car to your friends block a few blocks away, ride your bike their. Plus, you'll get exercise; it's a win-win!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Blog Post #1: Hurricane Isabel

1. I chose Hurricane Isabel, which ocurred in 2003.

2. it was a category 4 and category 5 hurricane.

3. It develeoped from a wave off of Africa on September 1, 2003 and was scientifically considered as a hurricane on September 7. It hit the North Carolina and Virginia coasts and killed 1 7 people in total. The damage done by Hurricane Isabel cost more than three billion dollars to fix.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

blog # 7

1. My best blog is blog #4 because not only is it very informative, but it is very interesting as well.
2. Since I have done them all and I am almost positive I have done them correctly (sorry though about them not being in order), I believe I deserve a 100. But like last time, some blogs are better than others, so if you would base it on consistancy on how good they are, I think I deserve a 96 or 97.
3. I really liked chapters 14 and 16, but if I had to choose one, I would choose chapter 16 because I love learning about the ocean. I know this chapter doen't deal with actual animals, but I have always been intrested in Marine Biology, so this is the second best thing. I liked learing about different types of tides and how they moved. I learned about how deep they are and what temperature they usually are. What I found extremley interesting was the Moon's affect on our tides. I liked the connection you made to Family Guy with Peter's gravitational pull : ).

blog # 5

1. " It's official: An asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs" published by Reuters
2. His thesis is that an asteroid hitting Earth "is the only plausable explanation fr this"
3.I kind of agree with it but yet I also disagree. I believe that the Ice Age, or the mass freezing over a huge part of the world killed the dinosaurs, but the asteroid did cause the Ice Age, so it did infact have a huge part in killing the dinosaurs.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Blog #6 Chapter 17 wordle

Mr.Dunn, I wasn't able to add the picture but I did make it and here's the link

Friday, February 26, 2010

Black scientists+ their inventions/findings= great contributions to the world

1.George Washington Carver was a Biochemist who came up with many uses for the peanut.
2.Henry Sampson made the cellular phone, J. Standard made the refrigerator, and T. Elkins made the toilet.
3. Thomas J. Martin created the fire estinguisher. It is significant because without it, many people would be defenseless if there was a fire.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Blog #3

1. They both split apart, but Rodinia wasn't ever together, unlike Pangaea.

2. 500 to 550 million years ago

3.We would all look somewhat alike and their would be more unity among us becuse of the lack of racial tensions

4. I would like in Turkey because I would always have access to water and the beach on the weekends

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Blog # 2

1.Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Mississippian,Pensylvanian, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Tertiary, Quaternary.

2.Cranky, old Sumpter deliverd many peach pencils, two just can't touch quarters

3 D, A, E, B, C

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Blog Post #1

1. The TauTona gold mine in South Africa is about 3.6 kilometers deep.

2.I would have to dig my way through 6,378 km of rock in order to get to the mantle.

3.If I was approaching the mantle on the way to China, I would see a lot of iron and hot rocks. If I went to the outer core, it would be like a swimming pool because it is liquid. The inner core would be harder to break through because it is solid. When I come back up to the surface, I would have to break through a relatively light layer of rock that s right below the litosphere.

Friday, February 5, 2010

And My Best Blog is...Drum roll please... well you will just have to wait until question three. Blog 6

1.&2.I believe I deserve a 100 on my blogs because, as far as I know, I have followed all of the directions and criteria for them to achieve that grade. But, on a creative level, I feel that one or two of them are a little bland. So, if based on creativity, I deserve a 97.

3. I believe that my best blog was my first blog because it is extremely discriptive and reflects me very well.

Friday, January 29, 2010

I Wanna' Rock!

1.Salt is a sedimentary rock and it is in most of the food I eat.

2. I aspire to one day have Granite counter tops, which happens to be an igneous rock

3. I also aspire to have Grecian columns, which are Made of marble. Marble happens to be a metamorphic rock.

4.I found this really cool thing called "sand stone"

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Yaris= Awesomeness!

Dear Mom,
I know you are looking for a car and I have found the one for you! It is affordable, safe, good looking, and has great gas mileage! You might be thinking "That seems to good to be true," but it's not! The car I am talking about is the 2010 Toyota Yaris. It is under thirteen-thousand dollars and has about 45 miles per hout. i suggest we go out and buy one now!
Sincerely, Harris

Thursday, January 14, 2010

5 minerals we used or used to use. Wow! That's a lot of "uses"!

Salt- I put this on food as a seasoning.
Lithium- I use in batteries that have it to make them run or last longer.
Silver- I have forks, knive and spoons "a.k.a. silverware" made out of it.
Cement- I walk on cement sidewalks.
Diamond- My Mom has a diamond ring.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Maps Maps Maps! Blog 2

My favorite kind of map has to be the Robinson Projection. I like it the most because you can see the whole globe at once. It also shows how big each country is correctly. I don't like to be misguided about how big Greenland is! That is why I like the Robinson Projection map more than any other map.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Blog #1 Astronomy is awesome!

Ever since I was a little kid, I have loved looking up at the stars at night. Sadly, since I lived in New York, a sky full of stars was scarce due to light pollution. Every time I went to Georgia, I would spend practically all night staring up at the beautiful twinkling stars.Now that I live in North Carolina, I am able to look up almost every night and see a star shining back at me. I have tried to get a better look with telescopes that I have had throughou my life, but apparently
K-mart doesn't offer high-quality telescopes. One day I hope I can buy or borrow a telescope advanced enough to see the stars, but for now I have to admire them from lightyears aways.