1. My favorite Geology topic we did this year was volcanoes because I thought that there was only one type of volcano. So, when I learned that there are three, composite, shield and cinder, it was very intriguing to learn a whole new slew of things about the three types of volcanoes.
2.My favorite topic that we did in Meteorology was U.S. Geography. I love geography, so much so that I italicised it! It built my confidence up in Science, especially after that 92 second semester. It was exactly what I needed.
3. My favorite topic in Astronomy was learning about the planets and the stars. I thought that there were other stars in our galaxy and that the Sun is just this mammoth of a star. But I was wrong! It actually is the only star in our galaxy.
4. I think I earned an A on the final exam because I studied a lot last night. I had assumed that the final exam was just like the pre-test, so I only studied the Pre-test and the crossword puzzles. I wish I studied p,s, and surface waves and projection maps, but I totally forgot.